Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Seventeen: In brief

Very, very annoyed.  I managed to delete the post I've spent the past hour writing just as it was autosaved.

Take two will be greatly limited, seeing as it's already two o'clock in the morning and I have an early start ahead of me - we leave for Poland on Thursday (I'll be away three weeks) and there's lots still  to sort out. 

Before my finger slipped, I had basically written out what took place at my meeting with the psychotherapy service in York last Thursday.  The psychiatrist I saw is only involved in CBT work, so he said he would discuss with his team what we had talked about and meet me again possibly with a colleague who knows more about psychodynamic work.  Though he gave me no clear indication as to what at this point he thought he was likely to advise the commissioners regarding my treatment, we discussed the various options and he agreed with my boyfriend's mother that it is extremely unlikely that funding for open-ended therapy as provided by the previous Trust would be granted.  There is a possibility that I could be assessed for psychotherapy in York, though this would last a maximum of two years and I did say that I was ambivalent about whether it would be beneficial for me to pick up the work with someone else.

He said that resources for mental health are very stretched at the moment - for instance in York no patients are being sent to private treatment centres any more.  I asked him about the CMHT consultant's claim that the view of the psychotherapy service is that the only effective type of therapy is short term and goal oriented, and he said that although he cannot speak for individual practitioners this is largely true.  His own personal view is that therapy needs to be conducted in short, repeated bursts and he told me that there is no research whatsoever to evidence that psychotherapy "works" (this infuriated M's mother, when I repeated it to her later).  He also said that he was incredibly surprised, given my history and his own experience, that I had managed the transition from twice weekly to once weekly therapy, commuting from York to London.   He commended me on what I have achieved in managing to maintain my weight and keep myself well enough to be at university, considering everything that has happened.  In his view my psychiatric history is extensive - he said that he had had to take notes from my notes before meeting me.  He asked me about the intention I had expressed a few months ago of wanting to open an artery, and when I said that I had in fact managed it seemed slightly amused.  He told me that if I was to do it again our discussion would be futile, as there would be no point in discussing therapy I wouldn't be alive to undergo.

All I can do now is wait.  And not think.  I'm sick of thinking and agonising over something that I really cannot change.  While I'm away I want to focus on building on and consolidating the things that I have been able to change recently, particularly regarding my eating.

On my way back to the station after the meeting I saw a painting on the side of the house that would have offended me not too long ago, but makes me smile a little (if wryly) now:

It's a strange World.


  1. I grew up in York and the picture you posted is quite famous as it has existed for years (clearly)! I used the services in York for a time when I was there and I must admit I had benefits from it.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Els... I'm glad you were able to benefit from the services in York.
